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Affected by the COVID-19, YangMing EC4 vessel delayed

It is reported that Yang Ming Shipping recently issued an announcement saying that the "YM ESSENCE"vessel deployed on the EC4 service of its Far East-U.S. East Loop had a crew member who tested positive for nucleic acid on the way to Yantian port. The affected crew members were immediately isolated and necessary crew change measures were taken in Kaohsiung. The vessel has been cleaned and sanitation. All crew members are also taking the necessary precautions.




This vessel has safely arrived at Yantian and berthed on June 7 so far, and has set sail on June 9. Yang Ming said it apologized for the inconvenience and delay caused by the incident, which was beyond its control.


The announcement also shows the follow-up schedule arrangement. Please find YM ESSENCEs updated port rotation after calling Yantian, and subject to change:




In addition, during a real-time search of the schedule on Yangming's official website, it was found that expected arrival time at Savannah Port and New York Port has been delayed, from June 25th in the announcement to July 9th, as follows:




According to information that the vessel "YM ESSENCE" has a capacity of 4,662 TUE and was built in 2014. Currently serving THE Alliance's Far East to US East EC4 route, the voyage is 075E. The order of calling on the EC4 route is: Kaohsiung-HongKong-Yantian-Gaimee-Singapore-NewYork-Norfolk-Savannah-Charleston-New York-Singapore-Kaohsiung.


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