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Container throughput at the port of Rotterdam fell 11.5%

Rotterdam, Europe's largest port, reported a 11.5 percent drop in container throughput to 3.2 million TEUs in the first quarter of this year compared with the same period in 2022. Freight volume in the first three months of this year was 1.5 percent lower than in the same period in 2022. A total of 111.7 million tonnes were processed.


Amazon opened Brasilia station to Chinese merchants on a trial basis

Amazon Brasilia is officially open for trial operation for Chinese merchants, the company announced. The Brasilia site becomes Amazon's 18th overseas site open to Chinese sellers. Amazon will provide official resources for Chinese sellers during the trial operation in Brasilia.


Maersk opens new Global Service centers in Mexico and Brazil

Maersk recently announced the opening of a new Global Service Center (GSC) in the Americas region, which is located in Mexico City, Mexico, and a dedicated satellite center in Santos, Brazil. The centers will create more than 700 new jobs in 2023, with plans to expand to 1,300 jobs by 2025.


South Korea has officially put Japan back on its export white list

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced in its official gazette on April 24 an amendment to the "Notice on the import and export of strategic Goods," putting Japan back on the "white list" of countries to be eligible for simplified export procedures. As a result, Japan will enjoy the same export simplification procedures as the U.S., Britain, and France. The amount of time required for Korean companies to review their exports to Japan will be reduced from 15 days to five days, and the number of types of export review documents will be reduced from five to three.


Shenzhen Xunlaitong specializes in shipping export from Shenzhen to Australia & New Zealand, Germany, Netherlands and more business